Sunday, July 26, 2009

San Diego

I am very sorry for not blogging the past two nights. I hope no one is now reading this from a hospital bed due to my lack of entry. Luckily, my dad has too much time on his hands and has come up with a list of reasons for my absence.

1. Computer crashed
2. Network down
3. Still going and haven't considered Friday done yet
4. The day was even more boring than Thursday & she is embarrassed to put it in writing
5. The day was so much the opposite of Thursday & Amy hasn't posted bail yet
6. She knows Dad is hooked and loves to make him squirm
7. The big one finally hit and California is an island in the Pacific Ocean waiting to open relations with the USA
8. Menchie's declared bankrupcy and the city is in mourning
9. She noticed her time in LA was coming to an end and stopped time
10. Nora Roberts came out with a new book and she isn't quite finished yet

While I really like numbers 5, 9 and 10, the real reason is I haven't been home since Friday morning. But I give him points for creativity!! And I also suggest him find some kind of hobby. :)

Friday I went to work at Ellen and we spent the day moving more people out of their offices. It has certainly served to scare the interns. There is no doubt that this entertainment world is a crazy place. I think we've cleaned personal effects out of at least 15 offices. It's a tough world to work in and apparently even tougher to stay in. I thought the hardest part would be getting a job but I'm starting to think the hardest part will be keeping one. Friday afternoon I worked a Radio Disney event at a mall. We were giving away Jonas Brothers tickets so the crowd was ridiculous. Someone had spread the rumor that the Jonai would actually be there so we had a hundred screaming girls decked out with signs and hand-made t-shirts. We had a talent competition which was actually a lot of fun and made it easier on us because we didn't have to do as much work. We still taught the dances but most of the time there were teen girls singing. I fear my ears will never recover from the assault.

As soon as I got back to the station, I met Austin at the lot and we drove to San Diego. My roommate out here, Ashleigh, lives in San Diego and is just here for the summer so she was nice enough to let us use her appartment. We went to a late snack and then went to bed. We woke up early and went to the San Diego Zoo. It's as nice as people say! It's really big and very clean and pretty for a zoo. We saw koalas, elephants, reptiles, polar bears, lions, tigers and bears - oh my! But this was no ordinary zoo...they had even the rarest of creatures. There were special exhibits for horses, cats and dogs!! I don't know where they found such amazing animals but we were fascinated. My favorite part was the sea lion show and yet, the one at Sea World is still funnier. We spent the morning naming the aniamls after people in the office based on their appearance, size, and personality. I think we'll keep it to ourselves though because they don't need to know who the hippos were. We ate lunch at a Ruby's Diner which is a popular diner only out here on the west coast. Great steakburgers and milkshakes I'm going to miss when I go back home. After lunch we headed back to LA. The drive is about 2 hours.

When we got back to the studio I dropped Austin off and drove out to Santa Clarita to hang at Erin's house. Her uncles are out of town this weekend so she was home alone taking care of the dogs so I went over to keep her company. We had a "the whale has left the ocean" (the interns' code phrase for girl talk...boys leave us alone) girls night. We ordered pizza and wings and ate half a bag of cookie dough. You know...the usual sweatpants, movies, chatting and being lazy. I spent the night over there since it's about 45 minutes away from Los Feliz (where I live). It got me thinking though...what happened to good old-fasioned sleepovers??? It was like a blast from the past and we had fun being stupid and dancing around to Jackson 5 and N'SYNC. When I get back to school...I'm bringing back the sleepover. It's too fun to outgrow. This morning I drove back home and now I am catching up on responsible things like paying bills, e-mails and cleaning. Austin and I were discussing how crazy it is we only have 2 more weekends left here in LA. So sad!! I'm glad I made it to San Diego and I've done so well checking things off my list. Still, I'm nowhere near ready to leave and I am really going to miss the people. Even if I come back, it'll never be that summer I interned with Austin, Erin and Taylor at the Ellen Show again. At least I've made the most of it!

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