Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday, Monday

It was back to work today! Speaking of back, my backside was a little sore from that 3 hours round trip horseback ride yesterday haha. Nonetheless, it was back to the daily grind. By that I mean hanging out with the interns, joking around, and having fun all while learning about the entertainment industry. (How PR did that sound?) Today we did some work with the Research department which was cool because they are actually back in the office. It was really nice of them to sit us down and talk to us about exactly what they do in season, how they use the work we've been doing, and the breakdown of how the process works for a talent timetable. So here's some super secret insight from behind enemy lines.
Steps are as follows: It goes from a celeb's booking, to assignment to a researcher and creative producer, researcher developing a profile called a memo about the celeb's personal life and reason for being on the show (what they're promoting) including a list of possible questions and any funny videos or info they can find from the celeb's past. Then the researcher meets with the creative producer to discuss the best questions and games for the celeb. Then that producer does a pre-interview (unless they want to surprise them with a question). This also gives the celeb the chance to request certain subjects be off limit which I'm told we always respect. Based on the pre-interview, the producer puts together an abbreviated memo with the best questions and game suggestions for Ellen. The day of, Ellen goes through and picks the ones she wants to ask. The cue card lady then puts short versions of them onto cards that she holds behind the celeb when they're sitting so you can't tell Ellen is looking at them. Look closely next time you watch the show and you may see her glance behind their head. They say that even cue cards is no guaruntee because she does love to improv.
Anyway, it was really nice hearing a detailed account of how it all works. The creative producer is one of the jobs I'd really be interested in so I'm hoping to learn more about that. We also did some work today with the website department shipping out more cool prizes. Good thing is we get a few free CDs and DVDs when we're in the Cage (the electronics storage area). Bad thing is we have to send all the best stuff away. Haha, we just hope they're deserving people! Judging by the intense fanmail letters we get...they are! After work I went to Menchie's with my Radio Disney friends to celebrate DJ Heather's birthday. Yummy as always!! I chatted with my bestie Jessie for a while on the way home and then watched some recorded shows. I know it's Lifetime but dang...I really love Army Wives. :)

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