Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Lucy, I'm Home!!"

This morning I took the glorious opportunity to sleep in which was much needed seeing as how I didn't get to bed until 5am (as evidenced by my ridiculous blog from last night). It was lovely not waking up until 11, unfortunately it won't last too much longer because I have to get back to my work schedule for next week. But I did have an exciting afternoon!
A friend of mine from Radio Disney also works on the Paramount Studios lot. She used to be a tour guide and then got promoted to supervisor. Well lucky for us, she was really nice and offered to give us a special "friends-only" tour of the lot! So today Austin and I as well as Betsy and Halli from Radio Disney headed over today for a super-special personal tour. Not only did we get the normal Paramount tour from the best guide they've had in years (her tour is actually a special feature on the new Breakfast at Tiffany's DVD), we had some advantages. First, we got to buy any Paramount DVD ever released for only $4 each! It was fantastic!
Then we went on the tour seeing all the soundstages and the backlot. But by far the best part of the day was when Halli announced that she had a friend who's on the new TV show Glee on Fox. She was on set filming today so we went over to say "Hi". We ended up meeting and hanging out with the entire Glee cast in their makeup/hair trailer! Then they graciously let us go on set and watch them film a few takes of a new scene!! For any of you who saw the pilot and are looking forward to the new season I'll give you some inside info. The main character Quinn is pregnant! She was complaining about the uncomfortable baby suit haha. Everyone was so nice though! I really love their theme songs, the remake of Don't Stop Believing. If you haven't heard it, look it up because it's unbelieveable. Anyhow, we got to hang out with the cast which was amazing!
Some other rad things we got to do was sit on the bench from Forrest Gump, the new state-of-the-art Paramount screening theater and sneak into Lucille Ball's dressing room! There's a lot of history on that lot because it's one of the oldest so it was cool to see places where Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, Elvis Presley, Judy Garland, Fred Estaire and Ginger Rodgers and more of the classic celebrities lived and worked. It turned into a really long custom-made tour and it was great! We had so much fun that we all went to Menchie's afterwards to hang out some more. I went fruity this time instead of my usual cheesecake bites and cookie dough bites. And it was free because I'd filled up enough stamps on my card so that's always a plus! :) I rounded off my evening by bringing sick Amy a Pinkberry smoothie and watching a movie in her room. I just hope I don't catch her plague.

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