Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chalkboard Fight!

Today was another day at "work" for me. We did research for a while but we had some more entertaining tasks to attend to. We washed the chalkboard wall (there is an entire hallway wall in our office that's painted with chalkboard paint so you can write all over it), but the "washing" turned more into a soapy sponge fight not unlike the scene from Center Stage. So I guess you could say we did them the extra favor of washing the ping pong table, the carpet, the walls, the surrounding pictures and...the interns. Ooops! Sure made it fun though! I'm just glad there are free Ellen clothes everywhere so that we could all change since we were a little...well, damp. :) We also did some more inventory of some items they've decided to giveaway instead of sell which turned into something good as well. I got a free digital camera, some books and a few TV show seasons on DVD. Yay for free things! I do love my job.
It's Taco Tuesday at Del Taco so for dinner I got my 3 tacos for $2 which made me even happier. I ate dinner with Amy and then she went to a concert while I watched some TV. So what topped off my lovely day? I found a website that has a really high-quality bootleg copy of the new Harry Potter movie that just came out so I got to see it again, for free, from the comfort of my own home! Yippee! Not sure how they got it (by whatever means they deemed morally acceptable) but I'm sure glad they did because them playing it on loop on their site gives me the chance to legally and without guilt watch The Half Blood Prince for no money, repeatedly! Now to bed I go.
P.S. Demi Lovato's new album came out today - it's excellent!! Even the critics are saying she's come out from under the Jonas umbrella and is making legitimately good music. Yay Demi! She's a sweetheart so I'm glad she's doing well. I love the new music!

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