Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Harry Potter Madness

My objective today was simple...become a part of the Wizard world. I am happy to say, my goal was achieved. I am no longer a Muggle, I have transfigured myself into a brilliant, talented witch with the same affinity for trouble as the teriffic trio that led the Harry Potter series to glory. My quest began at 10am when I awoke with a mission. I got dressed and got Amy some medicine (she's sick and had to stay home from work today as well as miss going to Disneyland with her firm tomorrow, for which I am truly sorry). And then...I began. I sat on our lovely couch and watched Harry Potter 1 through 5 (all of which I own of course) in their entireties. This task has been completed before me anyway. As it were, my faithful companions at the last such occasion (*cough Carley and Tricia cough*) both managed to fall asleep or read and study through the magnificence. I, however, apparently have amazing stamina when it comes to movies I've seen so many times I have them memorized. Therefore, I believe it only fitting that my Harry Potter marathon today be added to my resume.
After I finished the final film (and did a celebratory dance of course) I went to Del Taco for Taco Tuesday. It's similar to Taco Bell but a little more authentic. They give you 3 tacos for $2.09! Who could pass up that deal? I then prepared for the true test. The blessed event that is the midnight premiere of the latest installment of the British series that has captivated the hearts of non-Magic folk around the world.
I was not alone in this midnight madness. I was joined by fellow Wizards in training Erin and Austin (Ellen interns), Jenny Rae and Mikey (Radio Disney), and Sara (UF Cicerone) and two of her friends. We arrived over 2 hours early to ensure good seats. Check mate! I have to say the seats in the theaters in LA are far more comfortable than Florida. Ours were leather recliners! (Unless someone just hexed them for tonight...) Our anticipation grew throughout the previews, none of which were important enough to remember. And then, the unthinkable happened. Our projector moved and cut off half the screen. Let me give you a piece of advise. NEVER mess with a midnight premiere Harry Potter crowd. They get angry, and they get angry fast. I have never seen so many pointy-hatted, wand-carrying, scar-sporting, robe-wearing fanatics storm a projector room with such vigor. I feared for the poor soul's life. There were plenty of hollers and boos and yes, even a few "Avada Kadavra" shouts as people frantically tried to cover their eyes so as not to see the beginning of the movie in it's weakened state. Thankfully, under all that pressure, the projector operator lived long enough to charm the screen back to perfection. He's no Hermione Granger, but he was clever enough to restart the movie before a riot ensued. After that bit of drama was resolved, we settled in for 2 and 1/2 hours of brilliance. The dialogue in this movie was the best so far. It was so well written with the perfect balance of serious and lighthearted moments. It held relatively true to the original parchments though not inked in stone. The acting has gotten better, the special effects didn't dissapoint and the romantic tension between Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny was as entertaining and adorable as expected. It was a great movie and I highly recommend it. That being said, now that I'm a part of the wizarding world myself, I suppose that's tooting my own horn a bit. :)

P.S. This is what happens when I give my mind free reign at 4 in the morning. Perhaps I'd be good at a creative writing class. Hmm...

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