Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ping Pong Smackdown

Today at the office we did...NOTHING! Basically, we had fun! In the morning the other interns did a few hours of research and I did a project for Ross. I compiled a list of all the DVD and Blu-Ray releases for the rest of 2009 and who the distributors are. Apparently, we get free copies of most of them when we contact the studios. Rad! Sadly, I won't be at the office when they're getting all that cool free stuff in. But, I'm not dissapointed because I got another 3 bags of free clothes, bags, scarves, Burts Bees, etc today. I even got free handles of alcohol which was completely random and hilarious. Basically, they treat us amazing and I love getting free stuff!
Since we didn't have any real work to do, we held an office-wide dance party, had golf cart races around the lot, rode the tandem bike to where they were filming a movie and watched for a while and had a hardcore ping-pong tournament (yes, Ellen is so cool that she has a ping-pong table in the middle of the office for employee enjoyment). I beat Taylor and Erin, but lost to Dante. It was so much fun though! I think the tournament's going to be ongoing so I'll have to get better until I can be queen of the table tennis! Make my Uncle Gary and grandpa proud. :)
I am trying to go to bed early tonight so I can wake up at 1am to go to LAX airport and pick up Heather and Abrams. YAY!!! I can't wait for them to get here so we can have a fun weekend. I've got the airmattress all set up and the house as clean as an old cottage can get. Then I'm going back to bed for a few hours when I get home and then it's up for work again in the morning. I won't get much sleep tonight but it's totally worth it! Heather and Abrams will be coming onto the lot for a visit either tomorrow or Thursday and I'm planning visits for Amy and Ashleigh and the other roommates too. So...if you want a tour of the WB lot and the Ellen stage - come visit me!! I can probably arrange for some free swag too. :)

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