Thursday, June 4, 2009

Week 1 Complete

So, I've finished my first week with the Ellen Show and the verdict is...I LOVE IT! I literally got the dream internship and I couldn't be happier. Today we did some more research in the morning. We did inventory and packed the "Pelican Cases" which are all the information, supplies, props etc that the team will need out in Chicago for Ellen's comedy show. We did a few errands running props and things to other places on the lot. On one particular errand I "got lost" and biked through the Gilmore Girls set on the backlot and sat for a couple minutes watching the J.Lo movie film. It reminded me how much I miss Gilmore Girls! That and the big picture of Ellen and Lauren Graham riding horses that I pass every day on the wall. We got some cool free stuff today, a new shirt that says "I Danced With Ellen" and the DVD Box set of Grey's Anatomy. Pretty awesome for free!! Speaking of shirts, the ones we made turned out great!! Everyone around the office loved them and thought they were hilarious and quite clever when we wore them all day today. Everyone's continuing to rave about what great interns we are so I have to thank last semester...they really made it easy for us to look good! Jeannie was telling me today that she knows of 2 interns since she started there who did such a good job they were hired after they graduted. YES PLEASE! Just more motivation for me to be awesome so I can have a wicked job next year. The interns have decided to decorate our office Luau/Nautical themed (using Carley and my's masterpiece in the dorm as a guide). I'll probably do some shopping this weekend for cheap stuff to work on that so we can have some fun with it on Monday. They keep encouraging us to do it because they think we work too hard. No problem! I'll post pictures when it's all done. I'll also try to take some pictures of the office and around the lot in the upcoming weeks and post those. (I have to be careful because I'm not sure that's actually allowed.)

Drama on the internet front. You might think I am writing this lovely blog from the comfort of my own home while multi-tasking with my ever-present TV shows and wearing PJs. Well, you'd be wrong (mostly...I'm still wearing PJs). I am at Starbucks...again. :( Amy took the afternoon off work just to sit at home and wait for the Time Warner people to come and they never showed or called. We were PISSED! I have been waiting for this day to come for weeks and I feel like my heart is dying a little more with every preview commerical for new episodes I see while at work. Curse you Time Warner! So Amy called tonight and they're telling us they don't have another appt available until NEXT Saturday. Aww, that's cute. UNACCEPTABLE. Simple as that. So their higher-ups are going to hear from some angry girls tomorrow morning insisting that they come out THIS Saturday and install the bloody internet and cable. I'm starting to feel my growth stunt just from being around coffee so much. Although, I did have an amazing lemon blueberry muffin tonight.

Tomorrow's a busy day. EARLY in the morning I'm working a Radio Disney event. Then at 3 I have an appointment which, if I decide to keep it I'll fill you in on tomorrow. Then at 5, Taylor from work and I are going to see a taping of The Bill Engvall Show!! Yay!! This is one of my favorite things about LA so I am very excited. I know Amanda's jealous since she loves it too. She should come out and visit and maybe I'll take her. Speaking of best friend Heather is coming to visit!!! She and her boyfriend booked their flight tonight for July and I can't wait! Starting this weekend WHEN I get internet, I'll fully compile my list of things I want to do in LA. Now that I'm all settled at home and work I want to get started before the summer slips away. I do have work again on Saturday but I might do something fun Sunday if I'm not too exhausted. Amy's doing some work next to me in our "steal free internet" corner of Starbucks that we lay siege to every night but I think I'm going to head home since I have to wake up at 5am! Ouch. That's even early for Florida time. Nighty night!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Stay at Starbucks, I don't need you any taller! :P
    2. Yes I am jealous! I love going to the tapings. At least I've already been to a Bill Engvall one before.
    3. Yes I will be coming for a visit, just don't know when yet. (Or from where, still working on that...)
    4. I wake up at 5am East Coast time everyday for work! :P
