Thursday, June 11, 2009

I love Delirious Dancing Amy

We are done with the merch room! Yay! Hundreds of boxes and tons of free swag later...we finished our big project for the week...on schedule I might add. Things were crazy around the office today running errands and shipping stuff out and getting Ellen's wardrobe and dressing room stuff all ready to go to Chicago. Everyone will be gone by tomorrow so it was a little wild. But I think it says a lot for people if they're still nice and considerate under pressured situations, which they all were. I got some free popcorn and a hot pocket this afternoon...always a nice plus haha. We worked mostly in the merch room and some in research as well as running all over the lot and the stage and wardrobe getting Ellen's stuff together. I saw the stage cat, Smokey, a few times but he still won't let me pet him. :( I did see him playing on his carpet castle though which I've heard you can watch a live stream of on the website. Anyhow, we finished the big project in style so all that's left is a final typed version of the inventory. I'm hoping they'll let me do that next week because I love the organization of inventory. It makes me feel so in control! (Yes, I know my OCD is coming through...everyone at work keeps reminding me.)

I found out today that we aren't coming in Monday through Thursday! Basically, we have an entire week off meaning I'll get to do some cool LA stuff. We interns are already planning a beach trip, LegoLand, Six Flags, movie nights and other cool stuff we want to do together. I'll probably go to USC one day (yes, Mom...I noticed the recent not-so-subtle hints) to talk with a counselor about the two grad programs I'm interested in and about scholarship/fellowship possibilities. (I'm currently watching Amy pack for her weekend trip to Catalina and she just did a nice little dance for me...the result of sleep deprivation delirium I suppose. It was sweet.) So next week should be more fun than work, not that work hasn't been fun. (Amy just told me it's not her fault she's so glamorous...we were talking about food.) So I'm really loving my fellow interns which is good since we spend a lot of time together. Tomorrow I have to wait ALL day for the TW guy to come fix the bloody cable. We have FOUR problems! Steller set-up the first time around bucko! We need to get cable in my room, more than 20 channels in Amy's room, DVR that plays back what you've recorded, and a move of the internet modem to a more centralized location. I mean seriously...this whole thing has been ridiculous and now I have to spend my first real, full day off waiting around for their incompetent butts. Literally my appointment time is from 8am to 7pm. And since the Jonas Brothers have been doing promo stuff all week on various TV shows and I've missed them all...that TW guy will be lucky to walk out of here without bodily injury (by injury I mean the emotional scars as a result of my subtle but effective verbal abuse). The washing machine plumber is also coming so hopefully my clothes won't have molded and be stained from the soap and I can finally (3 days later) finish my laundry. After a day of that loveliness...I do get to go see the final episode of the Bill Engvall Show season film! I made friends with the DJ and tech guys last week when I went so even though I didn't have tickets for this week, I asked if they'd get me in so Taylor and I are VIP for tomorrow! I love working my magic. :) (Speaking of So at least I have one fun thing to look forward to. I just hope I don't miss the taping because I was arrested for beating a TW employee with a remote control or strangling him with a cable cord. Assault charges wouldn't look so stellar on my resume. So here's hoping that as of 6pm tomorrow evening I will have no more house-related complaints for you all to suffer through. I'm sure you'll all agree that would be a pleasant change. :)

Jessica so kindly sent out a mass e-mail over the Cicerone listserve today notifying everyone of my "acceptance" onto Tough Love. Now everyone knows the details of my issues and has been inundating me with emails/calls/texts and facebooks trying to convince me to do it. Only 1 person under 40 is opposed (yeah that's you Amanda). But I challenge you all to come up with the most original argument...I've heard some pretty funny ones haha. Amy and I hung out a lot tonight since she's going away for the weekend. I'm still getting used to my new QWERTY keyboard phone but so far I like it. I can send pictures with voice messages attached which really freaked my mom out haha. Well, time for bed...I have a big exciting day of dealing with imbasiles ahead of me. Look for me tomorrow night on America's Most Wanted. :)


  1. Hey - I am your big sister and my job is to look out for you!!!

  2. And you do it well, Amanda. ASH

  3. Thank you Aunt Sharon, at least SOMEONE appreciates it! :)

  4. Anybody at Ellen ever go on a reality tv show like that?

  5. I don't know Anonymous...I doubt it though because most of them are behind-the-scenes types.
