Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Chuck Knocked me Over.

Hello followers! (Muuahaha) Today at work was pretty standard. We did research in the morning and ran errands around the lot. Then after lunch we put a lot of time into the merch store boxing. Everything was put into crappy paper boxes that are falling apart so we're moving everything to bins. While we're doing that we have to organize and categories all the different items and clothes and take inventory. It's a big project but I'm happy to say we work well together and are almost done. Plus, we get to jam out which is nice. So we'll probably finish that tomorrow which is good because that's a day before our requested deadline, and bad because that gives us nothing to work on next week while everyone's out in Chicago for the TBS filming. It will literally be about 10 of us in the office. I'm making brownies. We're going to use the free time to decorate the Intern Office...and maybe sneak decorate our boss's office too.

So the only really funny thing to happen to me today was my celebrity encounter. Does anyone watch the TV show Chuck? It's actually quite funny. Well they film on the lot and we always see the Nerd Herd cars parked at our building but we never see the actors because they're not filming right now. Well I was on my way into Starbucks today when the door swung out and literally knocked me on my butt. I fell backwards and rolled down the mini-stairs right outside! It was the most humiliating thing that could have happened to me in front of everyone at Starbucks and everyone walking through the common area where the food is on lot. Really??? I was so embarrassed I hurried to get up when what do you know, Zachary Levi, the star of Chuck was helping me up and apologizing like crazy! He was the one who pushed the door open sending me into a tumbling mess. He could not have been nicer. He offered to buy me a coffee and make it up to me. He kept checking to make sure I was okay and since I was so embarrassed and awed by his in person adorableness (yes, I created that word), I didn't mention the giant bruise I was getting on my butt and upper back from my impromptu back roll. I don't drink coffee but I did get to talk to him for a few minutes!! He asked me what I was doing, how I liked working with Ellen, if I knew his friend who worked there to (I did) etc. Honestly, he is the nicest celebrity I've ever come in contact with!! He seemed so upset about having knocked me over and genuinely concerned which was really sweet. Anyhow, it was one crazy celebrity "encounter". In the movies, they'd call that a "meet cute". Taylor thought I should have told him he could make it up to me by taking me to dinner haha. Hey- he's only 7 years older and apparently a really nice guy! But sadly, I missed my chance. Though there's still the whole summer...haha. Anyway, I guess you could say I fell head over heels for him! (Hehe I crack myself up) But come on people...REALLY? Embarrassing myself like that in front of a cute TV star?? This could only happen to ME! But it makes for a good story lol.

Today I got a new phone which is fun and exciting slash expensive and annoying. It's cute though...white and teal. I'm having to adjust to having a QWERTY keyboard for text messages though so that will take some time. But at least I'm back in contact with world! I was feeling very isolated today and had no way to wake up in the morning since my phone is my alarm. It's off to bed for me. Tomorrow after work the interns are going to see The Hangover. Everyone's been raving about it on Facebook so I guess it's time to check it out myself. Should be funny!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Chuck! I'm so glad they decided to renew it. I was getting worried. Glad he was so nice. I did get to see him when I went to a taping of Less Than Perfect. He seemed like a really funny guy too.
