Saturday, June 27, 2009


Today was a really easy day at work. I don't usually go in on Fridays but since I'm covering reception for Jeannie they asked me to come in. Plus I'm taking off next Thurs and Friday because Heather and Abrams will be in town!! YAY! No crazy phone calls today, or at least nothing too crazy. We all played music and sang and danced around since the EPs were gone and the last of the other producers were all leaving today so they didn't have any work to do either. Basically we spent the day cleaning up things, finishing projects and joking around which was really a lot of fun. In fact, I feel a lot closer to all my bosses - everyone there is hilarious!! Today was definitely a blast! I had a burrito for lunch from The Com and it just made me miss Moe's. No where CLOSE to the caliber of the fine dining cuisine that is Moe's Southwestern Grill. Very sad indeed. If I want to get my fix I have to drive to Vegas and that's a little too much, even for Moe's.
So after today, only 3 or 4 people will be in the office for the next 3 weeks. It's going to be REALLY casual and probably pretty boring. So dead in fact that after next week, the interns actually get 2 weeks off! On one hand that's cool because I can get a lot of my LA To-Do list done, but on the other hand, I really love coming in to work so I'm going to miss the fun those 2 weeks. I'm sure the interns will all hang out and do stuff though since we'll all have nothing to do together. We asked if we could come in just to stay up-to-date on research which never stops, but apparently we're a liability those 2 weeks when we would be the only people in the office at all. So, it's Vay-K for the time!! Haha, when we come back in July though everyone will be back in the office and be prepping for the new season which will be cool to see.
Tonight Ashleigh, James, Shaia and I went to experience something quite unique. It was a performance art expo and I've never seen anything like it. Basically it was weird but it was really cool to experience anyway. I felt very bohemian LA in this little loft decorated with anatomical hearts being taken out of bodies, listening to poetry, chanting and a band that was actually pretty good. They even did an MJ tribute of Billie Jean which was the only song I knew of course. Anyhow, it was an interesting experience that I probably won't repeat but am still glad I had the chance to take in. I'd say it's an LA thing so I'm all for living it up this summer. On the way home we got a late night snack at Del Taco (the LA version of Taco Bell) and now I'm going to hit the sack. I get to sleep in tomorrow!! And I recorded the premiere of Princess Protection Program (the newest Disney Channel movie) that aired tonight so I can watch that tomorrow too. It's going to be a good day! :)

P.S. I can't get "I want to love you...P-Y-T...Pretty Young Thing!" out of my head. And I'm okay with that.

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