Saturday, June 20, 2009

I've Fallen in Love

...with Menchie. Menchie is a wonderful person who invented something that changed my life. No, Menchie didn't give me a 24-hour live feed of the Jonas Brothers lives, a lifetime pass to every Disney park, the perfect man wrapped in Zac Efron's body with bow, or my dream job of having Miley Cyrus' acting career (note, I only want her career, not her crazy life)...Menchie gave me something even better. (Okay, maybe not actually better...but it's pretty gnarly.) It's the scrumptious combination of 12 different frozen yogurt flavors and 20 toppings including cheesecake bites, cookie dough bites, fresh fruits and cereal. Yes, today was my first Menchie's experience and I'm quite certain that we are going to become the best of friends. For those of you who are familiar with my unique relationship with Moe's, that is how I plan to proceed with this new romance. I don't have as much time to develop the relationship as I did with my Moe's crew, but I'm fairly certain it will progress quickly and I'll be best friends with the entire staff in no time. I already got a card with all the stamps on it by making friends with the froyo next trip! The best part? It's within walking distance of work. Sounds like a lovely nightly treat, doesn't it? Oh my life in LA just became even more wonderful. Now if someone could just work on those other things I mentioned...

Today I watched some TV this morning and hung out with Amy. TBS was playing Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion and once again, we got sucked in. This afternoon I met up with Taylor and we went into Burbank to see The Proposal. It was SO GOOD! The awkwardness was hilarious, the jokes were well placed and the ending was adorable. I'd have to say it was the best romantic comedy I've seen in a while...and I do consider myself an expert (just check out my movie's chock full). Plus I love supporting Disney movies (this one's Touchtone Pictures but that's Disney-owned so close enough.) After that was the historic Menchie's experience (and I do mean experience). Tonight I'm spending the evening doing my nails while watching the double feature Disney's showing of High School Musical 1 and 2 sing-along AND dance-alongs! I mean, are they trying to kill me with excitement?? Tomorrow the interns are heading to Malibu beach weather-permitting so that should be fun! Glad to hear some of you are getting your packages of Ellen swag in the mail...enjoy! Love you all!

P.S. I got the official invite to be on Tough Love Season 2 last night and was sent the contract to sign and Fed-Ex in. That means it's decision time! :/

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