Monday, June 22, 2009

Another day

Day 1 as a receptionist went well. I didn't drop any calls trying to transfer, I handled all the calls just fine and I wasn't too too bored. The other interns were very helpful sitting for me when I wanted a break and keeping me company when they weren't busy. The EPs were doing interviews today for new writers so I saw a lot of people coming in and out and heard lots of laughter coming from the office so I'm guessing they had some good candidates! Since I finished Ross's last project of redesigning the inventory list of the merch store, I've been assigned a new project. I am now going through all the applicant's resumes for a few positions Ellen has listed online. I'm not sure how I'm qualified to eliminate people and pick who makes it to the next level but I've been assigned the task. No pressure! Muahaha I've got the power! haha I did see a guy from UF and was really tempted to put him through even though he lacked some of the required qualifications. But nay, I did not abuse my power. When I left today I had 300 still to sort through and more come in every day. I'd say it will keep me busy for the week. The weather was amazing today so the interns ate lunch outside and basked in the glory of not-too-hot sunshine. Basically, working reception isn't so bad as long as the other interns come visit me and no one gets too rude on the phone. I'm just doing my job! :) After work I came home and watched some TV and went running on the new treadmill Shaia and I set up in the garage. Simple and lovely day.
Oh yeah...the big news - NO TOUGH LOVE. (Go ahead and rejoice Mom and Dad, I know you're thrilled.) After reading the contract and going through it with my AWESOME Aunt Sharon (who's a lawyer), I decided there were some not so kosher bits of my life I wasn't willing to sign away. It was just too intense and I didn't want this one experience to haunt me forever since they would literally own my face and all the footage "forever" and to use throughout "the universe" (not exagerating...those are the exact words). So, I just didn't want to sign my life away when there's such high potential for it to bite me in the butt later. Sadly, I won't be a VH1 reality star. Sorry everybody - I know lots of you really wanted me to do it. I thought it would be fun too but it's just not going to work out. It's fine though, it's not like my life is lacking in the fun department so I think I'll be okay. Especially since it wasn't my idea in the first place (Jessie, cough cough, James). :) Sorry to everyone who wanted to know a reality star! :/

1 comment:

  1. 1. Thank you Aunt Sharon!!!
    2. Now you know how whoever went through all the intern applications felt!
