Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Aussies are the craziest!

After a few days at the front desk I've come to one major realization. Australians are the craziest of all Ellen fans. It's unbelieveable how many Australians are willing to pay long distance phone call prices just to complain about re-runs or talk about their favorite episodes or beg to talk to Ellen. I spent 18 minutes on the phone with one woman calming her down because she was insisting that her local newscaster in Victoria, Australia was out to get Ellen and Portia. Really? Wooow. Yeah, these people are insane. But at least they make the day interesting.
My time as receptionist has actually become pretty busy and interesting because the EPs and some of the producers are all trying to fit in all their interviews this week. On top of all those interviews and getting candidates clearance onto the lot and arranging, placing, notifying people for the interviews, I am still working on a project of Ross. But I like being busy up front! It distracts me from being lonely while the other interns are in The Cage sorting through the electronics. Hopefully they'll finish tomorrow and we'll all be reunited (...and it feels so good!).
I did get free tickets to go see The Fray in concert at work today! That's exciting! :) It should be fun even though the seats aren't great.
I spent some time on my budding new relationship with my new boyfriend Menchie, then I chatted with the rents on the way home. When I got home I hung out with Ashleigh and James and watched some recorded TV. I'm determined to stay up-to-date on my shows so I don't build up a bunch that I'll never get to (Mom and Dad and you're 400+ shows on your DVR). So far it's been easy since my evenings are open now that Amy's working late/attending work social engagements a lot. That, and there aren't as many shows with new episodes during the summer. Glad to hear my Florida friends finally are getting all your Ellen swag I sent last week...enjoy!! Now I'm hitting the sack early after working out...trying to get in those recommended 8 hours!

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