Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's Vegas Baby!!

Today was a loooong day of driving. Believe it or not...I drove through snow! Not on the was snowING through the Rockies in Colorado. In May! And it was cold. We looked like idiots at rest stops in our shorts and t-shirts haha. Those mountains were hard to navigate when I couldn't see 10 feet in front of me. We Floridians aren't used to driving in snow. But we got through (thankfully). Amy did a lot of the driving after that which was much appreciated since I was stressed out from the rough conditions. That also gave me some reading time...yay for trashy romance novels! The scenary through Utah was so beautiful! The sun was setting along the rocks and plateaus and it was breathtaking.

Along the way we encountered two grown men in a car with a bunny (we decided they were a magician act on their way to Vegas) as well as several interesting hick characters. But hands down the best moment was when an older gentleman rolled down his window driving 75mph on I-70 and held out his contruction hard-hat...covered in Gators stickers!! He must have seen all the paraphanalia on my car and so of course, he had to beckon his fellow UF friends. We had a moment of Gator chomping on the interstate and it was a lovely "The Gator Nation is Everywhere" experience.

We are now rolling big time in Las Vegas!! By rolling big time I mean we are sitting in the hotel room at midnight local time and going to bed. But we're staying at the Circus Circus hotel which is HILARIOUS and should be good times when we go looking around tomorrow. After a traditional Vegas buffet we're tackling the final 4-5 hours to get to Los Angeles!! I can't wait! Then it's all move-in and lugging furniture but it will be cool to have my own house with friends. That's all for tonight!

P.S. Did you know they make Butterfingers called Butterfinger Buzz "With as much caffiene as the leading energy drink"? When did they start making caffiene-enhanced candy? (It tastes the same and totally works in case you were wondering.)

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