Friday, May 29, 2009

Emergency Rooms Suck

Why are ERs always cold? And let me tell you they're nowhere near as exciting as the TV show ER. I wanted Clooney to pop out (hey it is Hollywood) but no luck. So last night Amy got very very sick and could breathe or walk and was having severe stomach pains as a result of this mad crazy flu she has, so I took her to the hospital around 11pm. We weren't seen until 4am. I swear they go out of their way to make hospital waiting area chairs the most uncomfortable seating ever. Maybe to discourage business. In all that time I did read half a romance novel though. Anyhow, they gave her fluids and an IV of numberous meds and a breathing treatment and such. I'm feeling a little sick too but nothing too bad and I'm taking plenty of meds (you know me) to be preventative. Let's just say it was a LOOONG night (worse than the car rides since I so badly needed to sleep) and we didn't get back home until about 10am this morning. We did however catch the series finale of Saved By the Bell in the hospital room which was entertaining in our delirious states. Unfortunately I didn't get to go to sleep because I had an appointment at the Burbank Radio Disney office at 11:30. Good news is it's really close and easy to get to from my house. More good news is I start next weekend! And they seem nice. They were more excited to hear I knew the dances to all the High School Musical movies, Hannah Montana and Camp Rock than the fact I am CPR certified. I'm glad they have their priorities straight (or in line with mine at least).
After that, I went to the grocery store so I can finally eat at home. I officially feel moved in now since I've arranged my room and unpacked everything and made the initial Target and grocery trips. The grocery store out here is called Ralph's by the way. Because Ralph is such an awesome name that makes me laugh every time I read it, I found myself buying a lot of their store brand stuff. I also just had my first "celebrity" encounter a few minutes ago. Get ready for this - it's big!! (not) I'm sitting in Starbucks again since we still don't have internet and the kid who plays Ben on The Secret Life of the American Teenager just asked me to watch his computer while he ordered a coffee. Haha! It's only day 3 in L.A. and I'm already running into the rich and famous lol. I mean, he's up there with Brad and Angelina. Big time.
Basically today was successful because my room is all done and I'm squared away with Radio Disney. But...I am so tired and exhausted since I haven't slept since yesterday morning at 7am (it's now 7pm making a grand total of 36 hours awake). So now I'm going to eat a cinnamon rasin bagel and go to sleep for the night. Tomorrow will be internet/cable day (hopefully), computer set-up day with Daddy (hopefully), and buy cheap posters to decorate my room (hopefully). I'll keep taking care of my poor ill cousin until she feels up to being alive.
I'm starting to miss you guys back home so feel free to comment back to my posts with what exciting things are going on in your lives!!! (or just give me a call) :) I love you all!

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