Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More Celebs

This morning we took another lap around Stage 18 to see if we could find any more of the Valentine's Day celebs but that was to no avail. So instead we headed back to the office and spent the day working in Audience, HI, and helping to rearrange furniture in the EPs and Ellen's office. I love the set-up in Ellen's office! I had no idea she copied my dorm room from last year! She has a little beach area with a palm tree and a life vest. I love how she got new everything in her dressing room at the stage AND in her office. Must be nice! I did get some good news...the EPs remember my name. I was grabbing a piece of gum from Louise's desk up front when...being the classic dramatic that I am, I literally upturned an entire bowl of pretzel bites. They flew all over Louise's desk, Diana's desk and the floor. The real amazing part was that I hit the head EP in the face with a pretzel bite just as he was opening the door to his office and exiting with all the bigwigs of the show. The timing was literally incredible and just my luck. A perfect example of why I love my job is that everyone in a 30 ft radius burst out laughing. But Ed did say "Way to go Hilary! I heard you interns were making a statement." So clever that Ed...guess that's why he's in charge of Ellen haha. The important thing to note is that he remembered my name. :)
There was one celebrity sighting today. I was doing a run to the Telepictures building and I circled around Stage 18 (of course) and spotted Julia Roberts and Emma Roberts walking from the make-up/hair trailer to the stage. Cool! Other than that, the day was spent doing work and pretty uneventful. We stayed late talking to Jeannie but no sweat to me because I just came home and watched TV. Now it's early to bed, early to rise! :)

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