Monday, August 10, 2009


I didn't mention this last night but I have visitors! I am on my way to the airport right now to pick up my best friend Blair and her sister Melanie who are going to hang out and visit LA for a few days. Yay! They have GRACIOUSLY agreed to make the long trek home with me to move all my stuff back so we're making it into a mini-road trip. :) I miss my B so I can't wait to see her! I just hope our time isn't spent entirely on me packing and not enjoying the city since I haven't really started... (oops!)
On a sadder note, it really hit me hard this morning that this is my final week in LA. My last three days of work. My last three days with the other interns. My last three days with my Ellen friends. I can't believe the summer went by so fast! I don't want it to end. :'(

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